Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fish--a darn Good Horse

We bought her in May 1978 when we lived in Alta Loma. She was to be my husband's first horse. Really a FIRST horse as his horse experience at that time was nearly nothing. She was said to be part Morgan and maybe she was. 
She was a good trail horse, only spooked at a certain "Killer Weed" on one trail. She was truly the red you see in the photos. She came with us when we moved up here. In late 1983 or 1984, my vet aged her at "over 26 yrs., maybe 27 or 28." She died of old age in Spring 1992. 
I have many Fish stories and often think of her still. She helped to teach us what a good horse could be.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Here is the herd, turned out on the property to do what horses do best.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Blue Ceanothus

The blue ceanothus are blooming! We never had the blue ones right here; the closest were about 5 miles down the road. But now there are ever so many blooming up on the hill. These photos did not capture the deep dark blue. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Ceanothus are Blooming!

The rains were just right for a massive blooming of the white ceanothus this year. Each plant is heavy in flower & they are all blooming. Those of us who are old-timers here cannot recall a bloom like this one.
This is Willow who sees no use for them as they do not taste good so horses cannot eat them.

Kenels Amarillo Meg

Very pregnant! Photo from 1996. In early July she foaled SSM Autumn Wind (by SSM W Nicholas Moro) who is still here at coming 20 years old.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Big Red in the grass

another from 2005, showing Big Red.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Horses on the Loose!

 These photos are from early 2005. That was an El Nino year & we had a lot of rain here in So. Cal. This much grass is rarely seen and has not happened again since that year. I was turning horses out on the property to give them some grass time. They also used it as running around time.

 The chestnut is SSM Fire Singer aka Big Red (Clarion x Four-K Cassandra, who was all Ina Ish's breeding). The paly is SSM Autumn Wind (SSM W Nicholas Moro x Kenel's Amarillo Meg). Both are 9yrs. here.